Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Starbucks Virgin's Bible (You're Welcome)

There are honestly so many Starbucks virgins who message me asking me what to get from Starbucks. I didn't know it was possible to be a Starbucks virgin, but I'm here to rescue your souls. I make two Starbucks stops per day so I'm going to tell you my usual orders & then I'll tell you about some others that are heavenly too. 

• Caramel Frappuccino. I've noticed a lot of Starbucks seem to add way too much milk to this and just drown the taste of it out. I get an extra pump of frap roast (not recommended if you don't love coffee) and caramel drizzle in the cup. The caramel drizzle actually makes such a difference. 
• Iced Vanilla Latte. This is pretty self explanatory. The iced lattes I've got from other places always seem to be very sweet, but the ones from Starbucks have a very strong coffee flavor. You'll also be awake for, like, ever so I'd recommend this for the morning unless you wanna be awake ALL night. I definitely prefer iced lattes over hot lattes, they have so much more flavor. 
• Iced White Mocha. These are good both iced and hot. I can't even explain this drink, it's just sex in your mouth. So try it. 
• Mocha Frappuccinos. These are good SOMETIMES. I mean, it depends whose making it, really. I'd recommend getting a shot of espresso or getting an extra pump of frap roast unless you want to basically drink frozen caffienated chocolate milk. 
• Caramel Ribbon Crunch. Okay- this is by far my favorite... BUT, the only thing that makes the actual drink different from the regular caramel Frappuccino is the dark caramel sauce. My Starbucks has been too cheap/stingy whatever to add the dark caramel and I just gave up on it. The crunches on the top are amazing though.
• Pumpkin Spice. Don't forget about pumpkin spice. It's basically caffienated pumpkin pie. If you've never had it, I feel sorry for you. 

Now, onto stuff that isn't good.
• Macchiattos. A lot of people love these, I personally don't. I don't like the taste, the texture.. Nothing. It tastes VERY syrupy & it's like syrup clumps inside of it and gets slimy. I just don't like them, personally. 
• Iced coffee. I'm not saying their iced coffee is bad, I just don't love it. I personally prefer McDonald's iced coffee over theirs. It's just pretty plain. And I also realized the first time I ordered it there that you have to ask for milk or cream because if you don't you're getting coffee blacker than your soul. I guess I was just used to McDonald's doing it for me automatically. 
• Cotton Candy Frappuccino. I loved cotton candy so I assumed that I'd love this. No. It's pink & all, but it just tastes very strong like raspberry. It's too sweet & I just don't love it. I couldn't even drink it, I gave it to my mom.. she liked it though, so.. 

I have to drive an hour to get to Starbucks, so my love is real. I do settle for McDonald's occasionally if I don't leave town. McDonald's drinks have more calories and they're smaller, so it's a bummer. But, if you're not near Starbucks like me, here's alternatives. 
• Caramel Frappe. Yum. Just yum.
• Oreo Frappe. This has like 10,000 calories but it has a strong coffee flavor & it's chocolatey amazingness.
• Iced Coffee. The Vanilla & Hazelnut iced coffee are good, but it's only good when it's fresh. They don't make it when you order it like they do at Starbucks. So, your best chance is first thing in the morning. Then it's amazing. 
• Iced Latte. The hazelnut iced latte is bae. It's really sweet & creamy, but has a strong enough coffee flavor. I recommend it over the iced coffee just because it's always fresher. 
• Hot Vanilla Latte. This has a super strong coffee flavor. Like, you can barely taste the vanilla. The hot lattes and cold lattes have a much different taste. 

Not good...
• Iced Caramel Mocha. Just don't even get this. It tastes like you're puking up caramel chocolates. 
• Iced Mocha. It's basically just chocolate milk. I don't recommend. It tastes like vomit. 

Also, Burger King has vanilla and plain iced coffee. Their coffee is Seattle's Best which is like Starbucks level coffee. I've tried the vanilla & it's good but it's very sweet. It's almost like a melted milkshake & their larges are the size of a McDonald's small.

One night it snowed & the only place open was Arby's. I asked if they had coffee and they said, "no but we have a milkshake that kinda tastes kinda like coffee" ????? okay I got it, it was like a gross chocolate milkshake. I didn't even drink it. Just, ew. 

& TBell has iced coffee. But I'm afraid to try it, because... ew. 

Anyways, I'm sure most of you don't care about my coffee opinions but a lot of you know I'm coffee obsessed & frequently ask. ♥️

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