Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I don't believe in body shaming, but I also don't believe in praising unhealthy body types. I don't understand why being overweight is suddenly so glamorized. I 100% don't believe that you should make someone feel insecure about their weight, but I believe that you should encourage them to become healthy. I worked hard to get to the weight I wanted to be at and I'm tired of hearing, "men like girls with meat on their bones" or seeing posts that say "when did this *photo of skinny girls* become hotter than this *photos of bigger girls*." For starters, being both overweight and underweight are unhealthy. I totally understand both sides of the spectrum. When I was younger, I was a chubby kid. My grandparents were especially harsh about it. I would get headaches because I spent most days from 3-10 with my grandparents and all I would get to eat for the whole day was one container of yogurt because I was "too fat." I went to the doctor when I was in 3rd grade and he asked me the healthiest part of fruits and I said, "the seeds" because I didn't fucking know.. I was a little kid.. and he made me feel stupid and proceeded by telling me I was obese in a very harsh manner. I lost weight naturally over time because it was baby fat, but when I was 14-15 I decided I wanted an amazing body and started working out. I set a weight & once I reached it, I still didn't feel thin enough. I realized my ribs and hips were petruding to a point that wasn't attractive & I decided to put some weight back on pretty soon after. I finally reached a healthy weight that I was happy with, so obviously I like to post photos showing off my flat stomach that I've always dreamed of. I get called an attention whore, a slut, etc. Then I realized heavy girls are encouraged to embrace their bodies when thin girls are shamed for "showing off." Once a girl called my a slut for posting a bikini picture to show off the weight I had lost, I went to her page and she had a photo of an overweight woman in LINGERIE and she was praising her. It's such a double standard. Soon after I lost my weight, I started seeing all kinds of stuff about "men prefer women with meat on their bones" & it made me feel like shit after I had worked so hard. I finally realized my body is amazing, I worked hard & it's something to be proud of. Anyone who says it's "showing off" is angry that they're not comfortable with their own bodies. I just find it very unfair that overweight women are praised and girls who worked for their bodies are ridiculed. Everyone should be encouraged to be healthy. 

• Diet pills are not an effective way to lose weight. If you use diet pills, I'm literally judging you. Same with wraps & waist trainers. 
• Dieting of course will help you drop a few pounds if you've previously had significant calorie intake. But at some point it stops working.. You need to EXERCISE! to lose weight. 
• Waist trainers will not give you an hour glass shape. If you're not naturally built an hourglass, you're pretty much out of luck. Everyone has a different body type, metal crushing your ribs isn't going to fix that. 

• I HATE being asked how I lost weight. I hate being accused of starving myself or being bulimic. Starving yourself will only lower your metabolism, resulting in weight gain. I lost weight very effectively & very quickly in a pretty simple way. I walked on the treadmill for 2-3 hours a night on 3.5 & highest incline. It burned about 900 to 1,000 calories. So, basically I'd just watch a movie and walk at a pretty comfortable pace and burn 1,000 calories. I also cut out all soft drinks. My dad uses regular cokes as a drain unclogger because the acid in it literally eats away everything clogged in a drain. That's horrible for your body. Switching to all water significantly helps with weight loss on top of that. For my meals, I ate mostly sandwiches. I would eat approximately 3 or 4 times a day and I'd eat turkey sandwiches with mayonnaise, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, and baked lays. I still had my Starbucks trips multiple times a week. You can have treats just don't over do it. And I eventually got to where I started going  out to eat once a week. I've kept a steady weight and I even still lose and have to eat a ton to prevent from getting too thin. It takes work to get where you want. I don't workout anymore, I eat out and have Starbucks all the time, and I LOSE weight. But everything's about a balance. 

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