Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I feel like #GrowingUpSpoiled, #GrowingUpPretty, and #GrowingUpWithRestingBitchFace all go together for me. I live in a small town & I always had more of a luxurious life than most people. So, naturally people always used "your spoiled" as insult towards me. People dissed me for getting nicer clothes, expensive purses, high end makeup, traveling and shopping frequently. Along with that, when living in a small southern town, all anyone really cares about is drinking. Most of the girls here don't wear makeup, don't dress up, all they care about is whose house they're going to be getting drunk at. I've never been into drinking, smoking, or drugs. I take major pride in my appearance. I like to look neat and put together. Everyone assumes that because of that I think I'm "better than them." I just like to look nice, it makes me feel good about myself. I don't like to frequently wear t-shirts and jeans. I'm more of a nice dress, cute sandals, and a lot of accessories kind of girl. But if you want to wear jeans and t-shirts, go for it.. to each their own. I was always shy and being the pretty, spoiled girl with resting bitch face didn't really help me out. Since I was shy and always looked pissed af, everyone once again assumed that I thought I was better than them. I also don't take shit. I am sensitive, I do have breaking points, but I never cry in front of anyone. It takes a lot to make me cry, and I promise I'll be a bigger bitch back to you. Because I know that I'm pretty, everyone thinks I'm being arrogant and stuck up. I see absolutely nothing wrong with a girl knowing she's pretty. If you know you're pretty, GOOD FOR YOU!♡ Then girls go to the defense of, "well she wears a lot of makeup" yes, and...? You wear makeup too, boo.. you're still not pretty and we all realize that's why you're bitter. Comments like that of course make me seem insensitive, but I've been made fun of my entire life for being happy with myself and just being who I am. I love pink, glitter, shopping, makeup, and apparently that makes you a target for being harassed because my girly-ness seems to be a top comeback for everyone. I'm an observer and I've noticed that people always hate people with nicer things than them. Freshman  year, a guy got harassed for his Burberry button up.. why? Cause that shirt is worth more than your life? (I was lowkey jealous of that shirt like GIMMIE, Like, you are fabulous, sir.) But I want to make it a point that I've seen this happen with guys as well. Another guy I know dresses very well and is very attractive. He could be a model from his hair down to his shoes. He is perfection. And all the guys made fun of him and said he's gay and things of that nature. Why is it always a crime for people to want to look nice? There's the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life in a surrounding town and everyone says she's a slut even though I know for a fact she's never had sex. She does show off her assets occasionally, and that makes her a "slut" but all these average girls getting pregnant are getting praised, and they're not sluts? Apparently nothing's slutty unless you're attractive. I was also called a slut frequently just because guys were interested in me. I just spend a lot of time analyzing people, life, and the way people are. I was at a really low point before due to the amount of shit I received from people. I really just wanted to make this post to say a few things:
♡ Get to know people before you judge them. If you see a pretty girl who looks like she wants to kill people all the time, that is JUST HER FACE. I feel like the prettier someone is, the more of a bitch face they have. It's probably due to the strong facial features and high eyebrow arches ( just being honest ). 
♡ Don't ever hate someone because they have more than you. I promise, usually people with more than you don't think that they're better than you. Don't let your jealousy prevent you from getting to know someone who could be an amazing person. 
♡ If a girl likes to look nice and likes to wear makeup, LET HER! Who are you to judge someone for wearing makeup? It doesn't effect you AT ALL. If you're so mad that a girl's wearing makeup because it makes her look good, maybe you should invest in some yourself. Fuck, I'll give you a makeup lesson if it'll end your bitterness. 

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