Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tis the Season - For Gifts

I was trying to make a Christmas list & I was like, "Wow. This is really hard. There's nothing new that I want." then, suddenly... I had thousands of dollars worth of things that I NEED. I figured I'd just make you fall in love with 8,000 things this season, too.

I've always wanted a Victoria's Secret fashion show robe, and the one this year is adorable.
Since I know not everyone has approximately $200 to spend on a robe, VS has a really cute $50 one as well. It's also in other solid colors & cheetah print. 

Or even this one 😍

These bunny panties are totally not worth $60 in my opinion (granny panties) but they are very adorable. 

Kate Spade has the absolute cutest holiday glitter collection this year. 
The rose gold is my absolute favorite, but the blue is super gorgeous too. There's 3 sizes of wallets, $78-$158. Also a wrestlet, $68. & a card holder, $48. 

I also have to have this rose & gold champagne keychain, $68.
I'm obsessed. There's also matching earrings, necklace, and charm. 

I also love the champagne clutch. $400 love? No. But it's adorbs. 

I'm in love with this fashion show hoodie. My Victoria's Secret said they won't have it until after the fashion show, and I'd rather buy it in store since their tax + shipping is like ridic online, lol. 
I also am obsessed with Too Faced's Paris themed holiday collection. 

The tarte blush pallete is also amazing, because the outside of it is black glitter. It's gorgeous. 

Juicy Couture has this gorgeous cashmere, Swarovski crystal blanket & eyemask set. $700


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Makeup Haters

I honest don't understand why makeup has become such a negative and controversial issue, but it has. I'm tired of hearing that girls who wear makeup are "fake" and "insecure". Girls wear makeup for a ton of different reasons, and none of them are any of your business. I don't really have a lot of interests, I enjoy makeup and shopping, that's basically it. I do my makeup for fun, because I enjoy it. I'm not going to lie, I have acne and I'd never want to go out in public for strangers to see the cluster of pimples on my cheek. If my skin was flawless, I wouldn't mind to go out without makeup occasionally. It's not like I refuse to let people see me without it, my boyfriend sees me without it all the time. Not every girl wears makeup because she's insecure. But if she does wear makeup because she's insecure, do you really think saying "you look stupid with makeup and you're just insecure" really helps? And do you think makeup YouTubers are insecure because they wear makeup? They literally get in front of an HD camera with a bare face, that's 100% not insecurity! Sure, some girls have a hard time matching their foundation to their skin and some aren't t the best at applying their eyeliner but that doesn't mean you should make fun of them. It's a learning process. And what they do to feel good about themselves is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! My biggest problem with it though is that girls who wear makeup are "fake". Do you realize fake is a personality trait and that makeup does not affect your personality? I've worn makeup since I was in 6th grade, and people have always said that they hate me because I'm "fake". STOP JUDGING GIRLS BY THEIR MAKEUP. FAKE IS A PERSONALITY TRAIT, NOT CAUSED BY MAKEUP. Also, guys preach that they love the natural look but yet they love girls like Kim K who wear pounds of makeup.. the more makeup I wear, the more guys are interested. I honestly made myself look like a literal Barbie one day and it was my most liked selfie ever. Sure, some guys prefer natural but let's be honest, all of us look better with makeup (when it's done correctly). Does that mean you can't have beauty without it? No. I'm honestly convinced that girls who hate girls that wear makeup tried to do makeup and still looked ugly so now they just despise everyone who looks good with it on. Or maybe they're mad that when they do makeup, other girls wearing makeup still look better. I used to have a flawless face, no acne at all and people always said "omg she wears SO much makeup! she's so fake!" and like back at that time all I wore was foundation and mascara. Like, they literally assumed I poured pounds of makeup on my face just because I had smooth skin.

Monday, August 31, 2015

For Oily Skin

I have very oily skin, I always have. I obviously love makeup and my breakouts would probably be practically non-existent if I didn't wear foundation. But, I'm never going to stop doing that, so..

I use bareMinerals Prime Time Primer before applying my foundation which I do believe reduced some of my breakouts since the foundation isn't directly clogging my pores anymore. A lot of primers are very greasy even if they are oil-free, and lead me to breakout. However, this one has worked great for me.

I started using Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation which is an oil-free, full coverage foundation. My breakouts have significantly lessened since I switched over to it. It's very thick and dry and gives me the flawless Barbie look that I love.

Before I get in the shower at the end of the day, I used Neutrogena makeup removing wipes. Then I use rubbing alcohol on my face (this is honestly the answer to everyone with oily skin, it removes all the oil) and once in the shower I use Cetaphil foaming face wash. It's an acne oil-control soap. You can buy it at WalMart and the bottle lasts forever.

Recently I've also began creating Honey Cinnamon masks. Literally all you need to do is pour honey and cinnamon into a bowl and mix it together, the amount doesn't really matter. I've switched it up and done more cinnamon less honey, and more honey less cinnamon. I don't really think it makes much of a difference either way. But it significantly helped. My face was worse than it had ever been and after my first application, my skin was literally flawless in the morning other than a few scabs from picking at my face. You can leave it on for 10-15 minutes on problem areas, but I usually do my whole face for an hour just to prevent future breakouts and to give it more time to work its magic.

While at WalMart I picked up a Lemon & Tea peel off face mask made by Gerber. It's $2 and you can get about 3 uses out of it and it worked so amazing. It says to leave it on for 10-15 minutes, but I leave it on for about an hour. You can wash it off if you're not into peeling it off, but it seems to clear up your face the best if you peel it off.

So, for my nightly routine in order..

1. Neutrogena makeup removing wipes
2. Rubbing alcohol all over the face
3. Cetaphil foaming face wash
4. Lemon & Tea peel off mask
5. Honey & Cinnamon homemade mask
6. Rubbing alcohol all over the face (optional)

Usually if I get up to go to the restroom at night I apply rubbing alcohol to my face before going back to bed.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Boys & Makeup

I want to make a blog post that incorporates boys & makeup for many reasons.

1. Fuck boys who say they like the "natural" look. If you love makeup, wear that shit because literally every celebrity that they think is hot wears more makeup than you probably ever will. Like, they literally think Kim K isn't wearing makeup... because that's how stupid they are. Plus, if you love makeup & he doesn't find that attractive and doesn't support that, then he's not the guy for you.

2. It amazes me how many girls are afraid to show their boyfriends what they look like without makeup. Even my mom told me that she was married to my dad for a while before she ever let him see her without makeup. My tactic used to be to let guys see me without makeup when I started to catch feels to see if they'd run away.. (only one ever did, he was a jackass little preppy boy who basically told me I was ugly even with makeup on because I was breaking out..) So, that's a good tactic for you to use, just get it all out there from the beginning so you're not worried about freaking him out down the road. My boyfriend saw me more without makeup than he did with makeup before we ever started dating. He frequently sees me without makeup now too. I'll do my makeup at his house or in his car or it'll all come off when we makeout, lmao. He encourages me not to wear makeup ALL the time. But what's important is to find a guy who makes you feel pretty without makeup. If you take your makeup off and he's like "Wow, Becky. You need to keep that shit on." then he's still mentally 5 and needs to grow up. It's important to find someone who will make you feel beautiful with or without makeup. If he truly cares about you, you'll be perfect all the time. I say just go for it. Show him that naked face & if he freaks out then he's not the boy for you, boo.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Barbie Body

Today I saw another ad about a "realistic Barbie." The idea of a "realistic" Barbie is so bizarre to me. When I was little, I loved pretty girls. I'm sure we all did. Little kids are drawn to pretty things. Which Barbie would have chose? Which Barbie do you think kids are going to choose? 
Whenever I was little, never once did it cross my mind, "wow I wish I looked like Barbie! I wish my body was the exact same size as hers!" She's a doll. 
Seeing things like this all over the Internet makes me angry. Nobody expects to have the EXACT dimensions of Barbie. We all know we can't have a 16in waist. I don't know about you, but I don't WANT a 16in waist. 
This is my body. Obviously I don't have the exact same dimensions as Barbie. That's such a stupid argument in the first place: SHE. IS. A. DOLL. A tiny little doll. To stretch her dimensions into human form is a bizarre concept in the first place. But I'm closer to having a body that resembles Barbie rather than the "realistic Barbie." 
This is a campaign showing America's average body type next to Barbie's body type. 
I'm sure a lot of people are going to be offended by this, but I don't have Barbie dimensions and I'm at a healthier weight than the girl shown in this add. I'm not saying this girl is fat or obese, but I don't believe that's what you should strive for your body to look like. And I also don't believe that impossible Barbie standards are what anyone strives for. 
I also saw redrawn Disney Princesses with "realistic waist lines" most Disney movies are old, the dresses they would have worn had corsets. That's the effect a corset has... A small waist. When I was little.. even now.. watching princess movies I'm never like, "wow! wish I had that waist!" These are not REAL things. I don't understand the issue. The princesses aren't even unrealistic body types. I have a hard time grasping why people seem to believe that the stereotypical body type needs to be larger. I prefer to be healthy & I believe everyone else should prefer that as well.
This just annoys me. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You Don't Have to Like Me, I Love Me

I have something I really want to talk about. I'm beyond done with people saying that I "live off mommy and daddy's money". I am 17, a minor, after all. I don't know what planet you come from, but I'd say most minors do live off their parents money. But what I would really like to know is WHY DO YOU CARE HOW MY PARENTS CHOOSE TO SPEND THEIR MONEY? There are people less privileged than me. There are people more privileged than me. It's the same for all of us. I don't ever post anything to make anyone jealous. I know you don't believe that, but I don't. I just have a strong interest in makeup, clothes, purses, jewelry, etc. I'm not into many things, I don't enjoy sports or anything of the sort. Shopping is just my niche. I post what I enjoy. To me, my page full of makeup and Starbucks is equivalent to the guy or girl always posting his or her sports related items. Do you think Jim and Jill post pictures of a tennis racquet and a tennis ball to make people jealous? No. They do it because that is what they enjoy. I honestly can understand being envious of someone if you had to see them in real life everyday with the things you want. That's no reason to be mean to them, but I get that. What I don't get at all is the girls who follow me on social media and then complain about my lifestyle. If you don't like me & seeing my stuff makes you angry, don't follow me. It's that simple. I personally love to follow girls with luxurious lifestyles. Like, you get a new Louis Vuitton every week & you're only 15? You fuckin go girl. I've just never understood why you should hate someone for the way they were raised. Some people are born into rich families, some people are born into upper-middle class, lower-middle class, and poor families. It's just the luck of the draw. If my parents didn't want to buy me nice things, they wouldn't have to. They choose to. Why am I shamed for that? Should I say, "No, dad. Don't buy me that Tiffany necklace, please. I don't need it." Would you say that? Would you, really? No. You wouldn't. I don't like 25 year old girls complaining to me because they have a job & I don't. Well, you're 7 years past legal adulthood. I'm still 1 year away from it. I'm a still a kid. I don't need a job. If I don't need a job, why should  I get a job? My whole life after college will be spent working. I don't need to work right now. I'm a teenager. I need to enjoy my life, my time to be free. I also don't like girls saying, "I didn't know where my next meal would come from" or things like that. I'm sorry to hear that, but I in no way am the reason for that. You have no right to take that out on me. I'm such a genuine person & nobody would know that because they're too busy hating me for no reason. I'll never understand social media jealousy. I'll just never get it. I saw a girl on my TL the other day bitching because she hated a kid she babysat because the child had an iPad and she couldn't afford one. That really sucks, but is it that child's fault that their parents bought that for them to play with? It isn't. And it's really none of your business. And it's pathetic if you really hate a child for that. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

• Seven Shitty Hours of our Lives •

Here's my back to school guide. 

1. Tote Bag 
• to carry all your pointless girly shit in. 
2. Pencil Bag
• Pink? Check. Gold? Check. Bow? Check. Sold!
3. Lunch Box 
• I never took my lunch but might as well buy one anyway because who doesn't need more pointless cute shit?
4. Makeup Bag 
• Obviously you have to take makeup to do touch ups, duh? I chose this one because school sucks so much it makes me want to cry, but I won't because my mascara* is designer. 
5. Wallet. 
• Because you need money to buy Starbucks before and after school. And your ID to show when you get pulled over for speeding because Starbucks made you late. Obviously. 
6. Starbucks Tumbler. 
• A pink Starbucks tumbler so that you can look extra cute walking in with the coffee that made you late for class. 

7. Another small bag. 
• Well, you've gotta hide those tampons somewhere. And it's another excuse to buy more shit.
 8. Gym Bag. 
• Pretend I play a sport so that I can buy this gym bag and waste even more money. 
9. Crown pens. 
Because if a princess should be bothered with school, she should at least have her crowns. 
10. Glitter folders, binders, and notebooks. 
• Because if you have anything other than these you're living your life completely wrong. 

11. Pink pens.
• Stock up on these bitches because we only write in pink. 
12. Glitter Calculator. 
• If you're doing math with anything other than a pink glitter calculator then you're making math even more dreadful than it already is. 
13. Pink Glitter Duck Tape. 
• To cutely shut the mouths of the annoying loud ass bitches
14. Glitter Scissors. 
• To cut a bitch when she thinks she's being cute. 
15. Glitter Pens. 
• If you don't have these in every color there's a 100% chance we won't be friends. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Makeup Regimen & Skin Care

I'm often told I wear "too much makeup" and "look like Barbie." So, if you don't want to be Barbie, you should probably stop reading. 

The first primer I ever tried was Too Faced Primed Poreless. I hated it. I bought the oil free one & it still made my makeup come off quicker and made me breakout. From then, I swore off primers. One day I was going through my mom's makeup because she has a lot of good shit & she had like 5,000 primers. So, I tried Laura Geller's primer ($30). I liked this one because it feels a lot like aloe rather than grease. 
Now I've been using Benefit Prime Time ($24). It has the slimy feeling that I'm not a fan of, but it's not TOO much. I think it makes my foundation go on smoother. I apply a thin layer of it then I blow dry my face on the cold setting to dry it. It's sort of a yellow sparkly color so don't go crazy with it. The more you apply, the more your makeup will slide around. And make sure it's dry before applying your foundation. I use my fingers to apply this. 
I've used many different foundations from Armani down to L'oreal. Nothing ever seemed to stay all day. I started going to a dermatologist, I don't have BAD acne, but the little bumps I have drive me crazy. He told me to get Almay Blemish Heal ($14) and I was like wow fuck my life I bet this shit will suck. It's actually the most AMAZING. It stays on all day, it's super thick full coverage, and I don't breakout from it. 
I use my Bare Minerals face perfecting brush ($28) to apply my foundation. It works well for me & I prefer it over beauty blenders - which I used to think were the best. 
After my foundation, I apply Erase Paste ($26) on my eyelids and under my eyes. I don't take it down to my cheeks like you would to highlight because it's extremely thick, so I use my Countour pencils for that. 

I use my Smashbox Countour pencils ($45) next. I'm not going to explain how to contour here, so.. YouTube it or something if you don't know. But they're really high coverage which I love. 
After I apply my liquid contour, I go over it with my Anastasia contour powders ($40). You need to apply very, very little. It's just to set your liquids. If you add too much, you'll look crazy colorful. I apply them with my Too Faced round kabuki ($34). 

I refuse to use any other eyeliner besides L'oreal Precision Eyeliner ($10-$12 I believe). It's amazing. I only use liquids & this one is super easy to apply & it's a thick liquid. 
I don't use mascaras because I only wear fake lashes. I recommend IT Cosmetics mascara ($24) though because it's literally the best I've used. It's better than Better Than Sex, so ignore that hype. By the way, I don't recommend Tarte mascara. It literally never dries & gets black all over your face. 

Next I apply my highlight to my cheekbones, which of course is Jaclyn Hill's Champagne Pop ($38). Worst picture ever, but it's beautiful. I  apply it with my IT Cosmetics flat top kabuki ($48). 

I find it useless to buy brow gels because a dark powder will do the same thing. I wet a Q-Tip and run it over my brows to remove any foundation that I got on them. I then wet the other side and rub it over my darkest Anastasia Contour powder. I go over my natural eyebrow with it just to make it darker rather than my skin showing through the hair. I don't draw my eyebrows into another shape because I tried that and I looked CRAZY.

I use a NYX lip liner in brown just to make my lips look fuller. I use different lipsticks & lipglosses everyday but I recommend e.l.f pout perfecter as a lipgloss. And I recommend Lime Crime's liquid lipsticks over anything. 

Once I'm all finished, I spray my Urban Decay setting spray ($30). It honestly does work amazingly. Even in the 100 degree whether, my makeup stays on all day. 

ALWAYS. ALWAYS. ALWAYS PUT FOUNDATION ON YOUR NECK ALL THE WAY DOWN TO YOUR COLLARBONES. It will make your face look the same color as your body. My face and neck are always paler than the rest of me.

I was paying $400 a month for 1 dermatologist visit. The soap and medications he prescribed to me were all $600-$1,000 and the insurance wouldn't cover it. So, he gave me soap samples each month. I was paying $400 to see him for 2 seconds for soap samples. Anyway, he was giving me a soap that seemed to work really well. Guess what.. my Wal*Mart started carrying it for $10. So, I was paying $400 a month for soap samples of a $10 soap. But it works better than anything I've tried.. And I've tried a lot. 
After I get out of the shower, I dry off & get dressed. Once I'm not hot anymore and my face has had time to dry, I put rubbing alcohol all over my face. Yes, it burns.. But it's worth it. It completely dries out your face which means removing the oilyness and dissolving pimples. I do it before makeup during the day and before bed at night.  

I've only been using this for two days but it makes my skin SO soft. My face literally feels like a babies butt. Literally. It burns my face so i know it's got to be working. You can literally feel your pores breathing after you use this. & it only takes a pea sized drop. $20.