Saturday, August 1, 2015

Barbie Body

Today I saw another ad about a "realistic Barbie." The idea of a "realistic" Barbie is so bizarre to me. When I was little, I loved pretty girls. I'm sure we all did. Little kids are drawn to pretty things. Which Barbie would have chose? Which Barbie do you think kids are going to choose? 
Whenever I was little, never once did it cross my mind, "wow I wish I looked like Barbie! I wish my body was the exact same size as hers!" She's a doll. 
Seeing things like this all over the Internet makes me angry. Nobody expects to have the EXACT dimensions of Barbie. We all know we can't have a 16in waist. I don't know about you, but I don't WANT a 16in waist. 
This is my body. Obviously I don't have the exact same dimensions as Barbie. That's such a stupid argument in the first place: SHE. IS. A. DOLL. A tiny little doll. To stretch her dimensions into human form is a bizarre concept in the first place. But I'm closer to having a body that resembles Barbie rather than the "realistic Barbie." 
This is a campaign showing America's average body type next to Barbie's body type. 
I'm sure a lot of people are going to be offended by this, but I don't have Barbie dimensions and I'm at a healthier weight than the girl shown in this add. I'm not saying this girl is fat or obese, but I don't believe that's what you should strive for your body to look like. And I also don't believe that impossible Barbie standards are what anyone strives for. 
I also saw redrawn Disney Princesses with "realistic waist lines" most Disney movies are old, the dresses they would have worn had corsets. That's the effect a corset has... A small waist. When I was little.. even now.. watching princess movies I'm never like, "wow! wish I had that waist!" These are not REAL things. I don't understand the issue. The princesses aren't even unrealistic body types. I have a hard time grasping why people seem to believe that the stereotypical body type needs to be larger. I prefer to be healthy & I believe everyone else should prefer that as well.
This just annoys me. 

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