Friday, August 21, 2015

Boys & Makeup

I want to make a blog post that incorporates boys & makeup for many reasons.

1. Fuck boys who say they like the "natural" look. If you love makeup, wear that shit because literally every celebrity that they think is hot wears more makeup than you probably ever will. Like, they literally think Kim K isn't wearing makeup... because that's how stupid they are. Plus, if you love makeup & he doesn't find that attractive and doesn't support that, then he's not the guy for you.

2. It amazes me how many girls are afraid to show their boyfriends what they look like without makeup. Even my mom told me that she was married to my dad for a while before she ever let him see her without makeup. My tactic used to be to let guys see me without makeup when I started to catch feels to see if they'd run away.. (only one ever did, he was a jackass little preppy boy who basically told me I was ugly even with makeup on because I was breaking out..) So, that's a good tactic for you to use, just get it all out there from the beginning so you're not worried about freaking him out down the road. My boyfriend saw me more without makeup than he did with makeup before we ever started dating. He frequently sees me without makeup now too. I'll do my makeup at his house or in his car or it'll all come off when we makeout, lmao. He encourages me not to wear makeup ALL the time. But what's important is to find a guy who makes you feel pretty without makeup. If you take your makeup off and he's like "Wow, Becky. You need to keep that shit on." then he's still mentally 5 and needs to grow up. It's important to find someone who will make you feel beautiful with or without makeup. If he truly cares about you, you'll be perfect all the time. I say just go for it. Show him that naked face & if he freaks out then he's not the boy for you, boo.

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