Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Kylie Lip Kit

Everyone knows I'm annoyed about the Kylie Lip Kits, so I figured I'd make a blog post about my frustration and move on with my life. When the original three shades True Brown K, Dolce K, and Candy K came out, I of course wanted one because I'm a makeup addict. I didn't expect them to literally sell out within an hour of the release, but when they did I didn't care because I figured they'd be available with ease within a month. Of course, they weren't. I wasn't too upset about it though because I didn't really LOVE any of the colors. Then Koko K came out and I NEEDED it. NEEDED. IT IS A NECESSITY. I tried two restocks ago and it sold out as soon as I pressed add to cart. I was sad, but I figured I'd just wait until next time. I found out the release date and time two days ahead. I was ready, I was mentally and physically prepared and I could feel it that I was going to finally get some! I waited on the website for an hour and kept refreshing. When the clock struck 3:00 I was ready on my laptop and iPhone. I added Mary Jo K, Koko K, Posie K, and Candy K to my cart. I filled out all my info by 3:01 and placed my order. It said it was processing my order for FIVE minutes, and I assumed it meant my order went through, considering that it said it would send me an email. I had close to $200 worth of lipsticks in my cart, so I wasn't going to retry, because I literally thought my order went through. After 5 minutes of it telling me it was working on my confirmation email, it took me back to my cart and said Posie K, Koko K, and Mary Jo K were sold out. I went from happy dancing and screaming to literally bawling my eyes out. Candy K (the one I wanted least) was still available, so I replaced an order. Then that one sold out, so I didn't get it either. I was really upset and angry. I honestly cried, that's not just some dramatic flare for this post. I went straight to re-sell apps: Poshmark, Mercari, eBay.. everyone wanted double, triple, quadruple for one lip kit and I just couldn't see paying that for them. On Mercari, I found one for $55 which was close to double, but I bought it to ease my pain. Then I got a message from the seller saying, "Sorry! I sold this to someone else and forgot to delete the post! We'll have to cancel this order." At this point I was livid and heartbroken. So, I resorted to eBay. All of the "buy now" ads were more than I was willing to pay, so I looked at the auctions. One was close to ending and had 0 bids. It started off at $30.00, so I bid $31.00. Someone then bid $32.00, so I planned on waiting until the last minute to bid $33.00 so that I would win. Then someone bid $35 all the way up to $55 in multiple different transactions when NOBODY was bidding against them... people with a low IQ shouldn't be allowed on the internet. Anyways, I was upset again. I resorted to making a desperate post on Mercari about wanting to find Koko K for a reasonable price, and some lovely hero commented on my post and said "I ordered and extra Koko K today, I'll sell it to you for $40 with free shipping." I'm super excited. Of course it's not the same as having the satisfaction of ordering it from the site, and getting the cute package and card (we all know packaging is most of the fun of new makeup) but regardless, I have it. I really hate the people who keep buying 20 lip kits each restock just to resell them for profit. A lot of girls are really passionate about makeup and are dying to get one but can't because people keep buying them to resell for unreasonable prices and it's really sad. Next restock I'll probably try to order Posie K, but if I don't get it I'll probably be less heartbroken since I finally got Koko K ordered, even if I don't get the full excitement of the packaging.

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