Monday, March 21, 2016


I lost about 30lbs in less than a year and people always ask me how I did it, then they don't want to go through with any of it. I'm not saying I'm a fitness/health expert by any means, but I do know what worked for me. In my opinion, fitbits are a complete waste of money. Your iPhone will track how many steps you take and you can log your meals. I'm going to give you some of my advice and tips because a lot of you are making it harder than it needs to be.

Changing your diet and not being active isn't going to make a difference. Sure, if you typically eat an abundance and you lower your food intake, it'll shed a pound or two. However, you need to actually MOVE along with that.

2. FOOD!
Listen. Bread isn't going to kill you. I eat bread everyday, and I ate bread everyday when I was losing weight. I'm tired of everyone freaking out about bread because it's so absurd. There's also good fat and bad fat. Pecans and other nuts are very high in fat, but it won't make you gain weight. Saturated fat is what you need to avoid. You can't cut all fat out of your diet. Your body needs fat. Also, starving yourself will just lower your metabolism and make it even harder to lose weight.

When I was losing weight I was very dedicated. I ate only turkey, lettuce, cheese, and mayo sandwhiches. I ate baked lays with them. I would then walk on the treadmill at night and burn 500-900 calories from walking an hour and thirty minutes on 3.5 speed.
P.S. I did eat out while I was losing weight. I would eat very shitty on certain days and I wouldn't gain weight because I was burning enough calories to be able to do that.

Honestly, doing crunches and sit ups and push ups are all so stupid to start your diet with. It's better to lose the weight you want/need to lose by doing something simple like walking or running. After you've demolished your fat you can start intense workouts to build muscle.

I have the app MyFitnessPal. You download the app and it asks you your age, current weight, height, goal weight, and how soon you want to reach that goal weight. Your homepage will tell you how many calories you can have per day to reach your goal. There's a log for each day and it's divided into Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks. You can scan the labels for it to automatically load all the nutrition info, or you can input it yourself. Also, there's a chart that shows Fat, Sugar, Carbs, etc and it tells you how many you can have per day to reach your goal weight. As you upload your meals, it lets you know how many more carbs and such that you can still have for the day. Also, on the home page it tells you how many steps you have walked and how may calories those steps burned. Also you can input "Walked on treadmill - 50 minutes - burned 100 calories" and it'll add those calories back to how many more you can eat for the day.

Diet pills don't work. Stop being lazy. Stop wasting your money. Detoxes don't work. Detoxes only make you lose weight because you have such bad diarrhea that it removes a lot of the water in your system (basically, you could've just taken laxatives and saved your detox money). Also, don't be afraid of SODIUM. If you eat a lot of sodium, you'll likely bloat and may "gain weight" but it's just water weight and will be gone in a day. Also, waist trainers don't work. I have a naturally hour glass shaped body, and if you're not naturally shaped like that, nothing is going to make you that way. You really think crushing your ribs together is a good idea in the first place?

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