Monday, August 31, 2015

For Oily Skin

I have very oily skin, I always have. I obviously love makeup and my breakouts would probably be practically non-existent if I didn't wear foundation. But, I'm never going to stop doing that, so..

I use bareMinerals Prime Time Primer before applying my foundation which I do believe reduced some of my breakouts since the foundation isn't directly clogging my pores anymore. A lot of primers are very greasy even if they are oil-free, and lead me to breakout. However, this one has worked great for me.

I started using Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation which is an oil-free, full coverage foundation. My breakouts have significantly lessened since I switched over to it. It's very thick and dry and gives me the flawless Barbie look that I love.

Before I get in the shower at the end of the day, I used Neutrogena makeup removing wipes. Then I use rubbing alcohol on my face (this is honestly the answer to everyone with oily skin, it removes all the oil) and once in the shower I use Cetaphil foaming face wash. It's an acne oil-control soap. You can buy it at WalMart and the bottle lasts forever.

Recently I've also began creating Honey Cinnamon masks. Literally all you need to do is pour honey and cinnamon into a bowl and mix it together, the amount doesn't really matter. I've switched it up and done more cinnamon less honey, and more honey less cinnamon. I don't really think it makes much of a difference either way. But it significantly helped. My face was worse than it had ever been and after my first application, my skin was literally flawless in the morning other than a few scabs from picking at my face. You can leave it on for 10-15 minutes on problem areas, but I usually do my whole face for an hour just to prevent future breakouts and to give it more time to work its magic.

While at WalMart I picked up a Lemon & Tea peel off face mask made by Gerber. It's $2 and you can get about 3 uses out of it and it worked so amazing. It says to leave it on for 10-15 minutes, but I leave it on for about an hour. You can wash it off if you're not into peeling it off, but it seems to clear up your face the best if you peel it off.

So, for my nightly routine in order..

1. Neutrogena makeup removing wipes
2. Rubbing alcohol all over the face
3. Cetaphil foaming face wash
4. Lemon & Tea peel off mask
5. Honey & Cinnamon homemade mask
6. Rubbing alcohol all over the face (optional)

Usually if I get up to go to the restroom at night I apply rubbing alcohol to my face before going back to bed.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Boys & Makeup

I want to make a blog post that incorporates boys & makeup for many reasons.

1. Fuck boys who say they like the "natural" look. If you love makeup, wear that shit because literally every celebrity that they think is hot wears more makeup than you probably ever will. Like, they literally think Kim K isn't wearing makeup... because that's how stupid they are. Plus, if you love makeup & he doesn't find that attractive and doesn't support that, then he's not the guy for you.

2. It amazes me how many girls are afraid to show their boyfriends what they look like without makeup. Even my mom told me that she was married to my dad for a while before she ever let him see her without makeup. My tactic used to be to let guys see me without makeup when I started to catch feels to see if they'd run away.. (only one ever did, he was a jackass little preppy boy who basically told me I was ugly even with makeup on because I was breaking out..) So, that's a good tactic for you to use, just get it all out there from the beginning so you're not worried about freaking him out down the road. My boyfriend saw me more without makeup than he did with makeup before we ever started dating. He frequently sees me without makeup now too. I'll do my makeup at his house or in his car or it'll all come off when we makeout, lmao. He encourages me not to wear makeup ALL the time. But what's important is to find a guy who makes you feel pretty without makeup. If you take your makeup off and he's like "Wow, Becky. You need to keep that shit on." then he's still mentally 5 and needs to grow up. It's important to find someone who will make you feel beautiful with or without makeup. If he truly cares about you, you'll be perfect all the time. I say just go for it. Show him that naked face & if he freaks out then he's not the boy for you, boo.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Barbie Body

Today I saw another ad about a "realistic Barbie." The idea of a "realistic" Barbie is so bizarre to me. When I was little, I loved pretty girls. I'm sure we all did. Little kids are drawn to pretty things. Which Barbie would have chose? Which Barbie do you think kids are going to choose? 
Whenever I was little, never once did it cross my mind, "wow I wish I looked like Barbie! I wish my body was the exact same size as hers!" She's a doll. 
Seeing things like this all over the Internet makes me angry. Nobody expects to have the EXACT dimensions of Barbie. We all know we can't have a 16in waist. I don't know about you, but I don't WANT a 16in waist. 
This is my body. Obviously I don't have the exact same dimensions as Barbie. That's such a stupid argument in the first place: SHE. IS. A. DOLL. A tiny little doll. To stretch her dimensions into human form is a bizarre concept in the first place. But I'm closer to having a body that resembles Barbie rather than the "realistic Barbie." 
This is a campaign showing America's average body type next to Barbie's body type. 
I'm sure a lot of people are going to be offended by this, but I don't have Barbie dimensions and I'm at a healthier weight than the girl shown in this add. I'm not saying this girl is fat or obese, but I don't believe that's what you should strive for your body to look like. And I also don't believe that impossible Barbie standards are what anyone strives for. 
I also saw redrawn Disney Princesses with "realistic waist lines" most Disney movies are old, the dresses they would have worn had corsets. That's the effect a corset has... A small waist. When I was little.. even now.. watching princess movies I'm never like, "wow! wish I had that waist!" These are not REAL things. I don't understand the issue. The princesses aren't even unrealistic body types. I have a hard time grasping why people seem to believe that the stereotypical body type needs to be larger. I prefer to be healthy & I believe everyone else should prefer that as well.
This just annoys me.